A fun but repetitive and super dragged out game.
The story starts out nicely but then it quickly becomes an uninteresting and too long mess. There's like 14 or 15 alliances you gotta do and when something happens to a character you just don't really care because you didn't spend that much time with them, so some important story beats felt very weak imo, specially the ending.
The gameplay, although similar to Origins and Odyssey, feels a bit better, mainly during combat which is always pretty fun to the point where stealth isn't that interesting or enticing to do. There's some very cool finishers that are always fun to see after you kill a strong enemy. There isn't lots of enemy variety unfortunately so after a couple hours you'll have pretty much faced every type of enemy. The raids are always fun too although they also get repetitive after a while.
The map is pretty big but it's mostly uninteresting and I never felt interested in seeing what it had to offer. I did a few side quests, they were okay. The dice mini game is cool and you can spend some time with it!
My biggest problems with this game are the progression system and how the story is told. You will get to a point where you either grind and do tons of side activities to increase your power level or go the options and increase the damage you deal and reduce the damage you receive, I did that and thank god!! I thought the game's story was already dragging and if I didn't use those options I'd have doubled my playtime and gotten even more tired of it. The skill tree in this game is also atrocious. The actual good upgrades are locked behind "+5.2 melee damage" type of upgrades and it's super tiring after a while because there are tons of upgrades to do. I get this is to increase the overall playtime but it's terrible imo. I'd rather have a smaller skill tree that was more enticing to do. This boring progression system gets even worse since the main story is related to your power level. Wanna do the next alliance? The suggested power level is 50 lvls away from yours! You can try doing it anyway but it will be hard since enemies will be very tanky. It just made me lose even more interest in the story. I hope AC Red adresses this! Because if the story here didn't have the power level requirements it would've been better. I get they don't want you unlocking the whole map at once but it could be done in another way. For example, that area could be in siege and would unlock after some alliances or just say the Animus is corrupted or something lol.
Visually, the game mostly looks quite nice! There are some npc's that don't look too good and some facial animations are ehh. But it's also just style and not a lot of substance. It looks good but it's not interesting to travel through the map, it's very bland. If the story was interesting and most of the characters were too I probably would've explored more even if it's not too interesting, I'd wanna spend more time in that world, to see everything it had to offer, which was what I did with Odyssey.
Overall, like I said in the beggining, it's a fun but too stretched out game with a meh story and characters.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
