Eeyikes...!! looks like there's some sort of PARASITE happening during Christmas EVE... I better maya clean escape! HELP ME MEMETOCHONDRIA!!!

I like this vidyajames but I was kind of disappointed by both how stupid the story was and how dated the gameplay feels. I expected to feel more instant connection, being both an perpetual soyfacer of classic survival horror games and a retarded Final Fantasy fanboy - you'd think this dumb game would be perfect for me.

The combat is a cool concept but with the limited arena size it feels more annoying than anything, and they clearly had to bump the amount of healing items in the game to a gajillion because you take made-up damage from hitting imaginary walls. I think if I didn't have an epic speed-up function I'd have gotten bored halfway through. Walking is so fucking slow you can basically put a piece of tape on the left analog stick and in the time it takes Aya to get to the end of a hallway you could play a whole Resident Evil game in the meantime on your second monitor. Unless you're poor, in which case you'd have to alt-tab.

There's some sick ass body horror FMVs though, if you're into that janky ass warped texture lookin ass PSX jittery polygon ass big eyes aesthetic (you are). The soundtrack feels like it already got sampled for 60 fringe electronic albums 2 years before the game released - rightfully.

It plays on the specific type of anxiety that you feel being near a very pregnant woman, knowing a wrong move could kill a fetus. Now, don't get me wrong, I love women and I love cumming in them, but let's not pretend the bulging stomach of an 8 month pregnancy doesn't tickle the imagination towards grotesque imagery. All that skin stretching and there's a creature living in your organs. I don't know how pregnant women aren't freaking out all the tim- ohhhh

A whole 1/5th of the game is about protecting sperm so that a woman can't stuff it up her hole and become pergenat.

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023
