I play a decent amount of walking sims, but Firewatch stands out amongst the pack. The main selling point of a walking sim is usually its story, but Firewatch's main selling point is its voice acting. The game has the best voice acting I've ever experienced in a video game, and the relationship between the two main characters is full of chemistry and intrigue. The story revolves around a man who takes a job as a fire lookout and the relationship he develops with his boss through radio. This is all I want to say about the story because it is best to go into the game blind. There is no mind blowing plot beat or twist, and some may not like the ending (I personally thought it was perfect and fit the game's message perfectly). The story ultimately is about life's problems. I came away from the game more grateful for life than I was going in. Life is hard, but that is what makes it worth living. This game encapsulates that. Outside of the story, the visuals and subtle music while not mind blowing were well done. The varying shades of oranges, yellows, and reds displayed throughout the game really made the visuals stand out. It is a walking sim, so there isn't much gameplay to be spoken of. You're mainly tasked with going to different points on the map, occasionally opening supply caches and unlocking gates. This is one of the few walking sims I'd recommend even to people who don't typically enjoy walking sims. Along with Gone Home, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Wide Ocean Big Jacket, this is one of the best walking sims I've ever played.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
