Honestly pretty amazed at how good this is, I would argue that this is probably the best piece of official Quake content out there.

It manages to differentiate itself from Quake 2 by having a completely different mission structure, as well as higher difficulty, more weapons and even, occasionally, having more atmosphere.

Ruined Earth is probably my all time favourite Quake level and maybe even favourite level from an id Software shooter. It manages to convey a real sense of place and feels so lonely a lot of the time, combined with an awesome use of music and enemies.

This is on top of the many changes brought to Quake 2 through the Nightdive Studios re-release, remaster, port, whatever you want to call it, where they've added brand new enemy AI, new enemies and even new weapons.

If this was the Quake 2 we had back in 1997, I would think that there would be a much greater argument for Quake 2 being the best Quake. Please give this a shot.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2023
