despite having written a joke review prior to this i've now finished the entirety of muramasa and to put it succinctly and just for the sake of not spoiling the experience, i'll just say to everyone who never played but said it was an amazing experience... i gotta hand it to ya... y'all were right all along! there's a lot here that i think could be said and i don't think this is a perfect game by any means. the visual novel definitely has its hitches at points and i think the final route will be pretty divisive to many but to say it didn't strike a chord with me would be lying. i wish i could say more but it's really just an experience that you gotta go through provided you're interested. it's a visual novel i'll probably think about from time to time in the future and for that i'm thankful! for every criticism i have, i answer it with praise in equal eagerness. after all, the law of balance demands it so. 😎 " kanae is literally me " / 10

p.s. i actually went through the entirety of the tl side by side with the japanese version of the game and i'm happy to say jast has done quite a fine job with the tl so don't let the self certified jops fresh off their n1 certifs tell you otherwise !

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2021


2 years ago

reminds me of among us

2 years ago

so true bestie !