as my taste has been constantly refined by the things i consume and how i choose the things i wish to experience throughout the years, i find it harder for things to click initially with you beyond superficial factors such as "oh this cover art looks nice" or "this gameplay looks great." there are certainly games you "know" you'll enjoy once you pick it up perchance but it's even rarer however, to find a game that clicks with you initially, yet is also even better than you could've expected.

a-train pc classic is one of those games.

it's not a game i judged by its cover certainly but definitely something i found randomly one night browsing through the steam's store page and thought to myself "why is this 3ds port of a train sim priced at 60$?" apprehension aside, i was curious. in retrospect, one could argue a fool and their money are easily parted but in this case, i was making an investment of sorts leaning mostly on the personal side. yet i was no such fool, my gut knew better than to overlook the neat aesthetic and anyways i liked trains so why not check it out?

and ultimately? i'm really glad i did. what i found was not only a very comprehensive and addictive train/city sim hybrid but i also found a game filled with enough charm reminiscent of an almost bygone era in gaming, a game with a sensible size of scope, passion, and visuals that are not pushing any graphical boundaries by any means but comfortable in their presentation to match their general aesthetic. i feel that i should add that this game is quite difficult. even following the directions to a t, i find that the freedom the game allows you to have even during more guided segments definitely still often resulted in an ever-increasing mountain of debt. the point here is that failure is your greatest teacher in this game and at the end of the day, i learned a very personal thing as well. maybe i should stick to being a hobbyist and not pursue a career in railway management.

but i digress, personal lamentations aside, what's presented here is a game with a strict learning curve and an even more rewarding gameplay loop. this game, i imagine, is dedicated to a very niche demographic that appreciates the genre it represents and i think a strong reason for why this title has a lot of staying power for me personally is not only in part to its well-crafted design but the fact that it can be played in both long sessions and short bursts. it's been fun to play this daily in short bursts of "maintenance" but it also never feels tedious or draining watching your railway system grow after hour-long sessions. the soundtrack also goes really hard???? i appreciate that a lot.

anyways, should you play this game? if you like trains and the prospect of railway management sounds appealing to you then sure! if you're wondering whether this is a good entry to start, however, i'd recommend on the port of the newer switch title which at the time of writing this review comes out next month on december 7th, 2021 which is supposedly a lot more beginner-friendly and something i'll be getting around to at that time too. compared to the slump the industry experienced last year, this year was full of surprises in new titles and old titles that i discovered throughout and i'm glad to say a-train is one of them.

based tutorial secretary/10

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2021
