So the child murder, regular murder, cannibalism, satanic rituals were all fine but no it's the incest between two adults. That's what we should kill the creator for

Seriously going by the official summary alone. What kinda game did you people think this was going to be? I swear this site must be full of twitter users looking for reasons to be offended if the rest of these reviews are anything to go by

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2023


7 months ago

brother there is no need to make another account to say this. say it loud and proud on your other account

7 months ago

I don't have another account but whatever helps you sleep better at night I guess. Even if I did, I'd still say that's less pathetic than paying money on a game you know isn't gonna be for you and rage baiting over it

7 months ago

congrats on populating the account then imagine buying games