Picking up this remaster almost 10 years after playing the original was just as fun and wacky as I remembered.
As much as I usually go for serious, down to earth games, to me Saints Row: The Third is almost a classic at this point. The game parodies itself and the genre constantly, throwing zombies, aliens, clones, strippers + explosions, all into the same story and making it work somehow.
The story missions are very fun, almost always unique and usually complement the 3rd person shooting with something unexpected, whether it be the scenario or mechanics, and sometimes both (e.g. in the sky, literally, having to move around while free falling, not crash into anything + shoot enemies), resulting in great, playable over the top action sequences.
Side activities are also a blast for the most part; Snatch, as someone has mentioned below, is a pain in the ass to complete at times 'cause of the NPCs terrible AI - they take forever to get into the car while you have like 20 enemies shooting at you.
Specifically regarding the remastered game, Steelport looks good overall. The environments and vehicles got a noticeable upgrade and, in my opinion, so did the characters. I also noticed a huge positive change in the lighting.
Fortunately I didn't experience many bugs or problems, so much so that I can't really remember any save for maybe a crash or two, which isn't bad at all considering the amount of things/NPCs exploding on screen at any given time during most of the game.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
