Gotta say, it's stuck the No-Man-Sky-landing.

I can't believe I finally finished Cyberpunk three years later (by that I mean all of 2077, Edgerunners, Phantom Liberty, and a campaign of the 2020 tabletop game — actually that last part is a lie. I've never played the tabletop game). It's weird resuscitating my old PS4 save a console generation later. Like I remembered where my apartment was, and the general experience of getting all the endings I possibly could. But now everything is fully realized?
Yeah yeah, I know this is a review for the expansion and not the 2.0 revision, so I'll get to it:

This narrative felt like sincere closure for me. Like I was able to come home, re-open some old wounds, get my hand on some classic tools... and realize at the end of the day that I like not living in Night City. I like not being mostly-cyborg. It's actually kinda sweet to just be a face in the crowd. Never played a game that felt like getting closure after a fun messy breakup.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
