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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 6, 2022

First played

December 1, 2022


Honestly, pretty phenomenal for what it is.

You are thrown into huge open maps with lots of detail. The graphics are amazing for PSP, considering the draw distance. This easily looks like an early PS2 title, if not better. You are allowed to complete tasks in any order you wish. Level design is intricate enough for you to develop various strategies and replay the same missions many times in different ways. The controls are as good as they could possibly be on PSP (this time I was playing on Vita, but I had played through it on PSP as well, so I know what I'm talking about). The aiming is smooth as hell, the guns have just the right accuracy to make it fun without straying too far from that semi-realistic feel the game is going for. The world is more detailed than even mainline Call of Duty games that were coming out at the time.

However, this is a handheld title through and through. It knows what it is and doesn't try aiming above its head. The campaigns don't feel like a 3-act journey with increasing stakes and a climactic ending. It's more like a compilation of maps with perfected gameplay but very little in terms of variety. It can get pretty repetitive, though personally just the visual variety alone kept me invested to the end.

I don't think this game should be judged in comparison to mainline MoH or CoD titles. This is essentially a little spin-off game. It was designed for short on-the-go sessions, and it excels at that. Compared to other PSP shooters, it blows them out of the water. Its main competitor, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory is a steaming pile of shit in comparison, with its grey corridors, blurry textures and horrendous controls. In fact, most of the time playing MoH: Heroes I just marvel at how the heck they were able to achieve this. I would honestly go as far as to call it one of the best PSP games period.