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Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 17, 2023


A pretty overlooked version.

In many ways it is genuinely better than the flagship one. For example, IIRC, in the flagship version you could lunge at any enemy any time you wanted, which made the player spam this attack, and there were a lot of QTEs. Whereas here the QTEs are few and far between, and the lunge attack becomes available only at specific moments when the enemy is vulnerable. This makes this version a more traditional hack-n-slash that feels at home on the 6-th generation consoles.

And you can clearly tell there was a lot of love put into it. Very few corners were cut. This is a proper game with its own cutscenes, unique levels and enemies, and its own combat system.

However, you can tell that, as with many film adaptations, the devs didn't have enough time. While the every level in the game feels coherent, the actual content of those levels can get pretty repetitive and tedious. The game will often spawn the same enemies over and over again.

I was on the edge about whether to beat it or not, and then the game sent a boss at me that was a huge damage sponge, and coul kill me in two hits, between which there's like a millisecond to dodge after the stun effect disappears. I beat this boss on my second attempt, which involved a very long fight with constant dodging and careful approaches. And then the game sends 6 of these guys at me, two at a time. In this situation you can't even effectively utilize your rage effect, because you'll kill only two of them with it and have to face the next two without it. This was the moment I decided to give up.

I'm pretty sure I could beat those guys and complete the game, but it reminded me of my original playthrough of Ghost Rider on PS2 back in the late 2000s, which was another repetitive game with lots of enemies. I beat Ghost Rider, but I think a portion of my sanity died with that. For years afterwards I couldn't even look at that game without some sort of muscle memory PTSD.