Never played older X-COMs, but this one I found insufferable.

First of all, I think it looks ugly and sounds very generic. Second of all, it acts like it's some kinda cinematic experience, while having no sense of good pacing and delivering all information through simple talking heads. Third of all, the controls are very unintuitive, there's no free camera rotation, mouse wheel changes elevation for some reason instead of zooming in/out, and the zoom keeps resetting after each turn. Plus I hate these tacked-on "cinematic" close-ups for simple actions that you're gonna be doing thousands of times. They get old really quickly.

The actual combat seems fine, but it didn't really strike me as anything special. It's your standard, run-of-the-mill turn-based combat. It is kinda cool how you can change elevation and enter buses and shit like that. But it's also the kind of game where you can be hiding behind a stone wall and somehow get hit by the enemy, or approach the enemy, shoot them point-blank and miss. This kinda immediately ruins all the immersion they're so desperately trying to create with that "cinematic" bullshit.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
