3 reviews liked by moonside

I love the idea of playing this game. Actually doing it, however, is more often than not a pain. The controls are clunky and the camera system is entirely unfit for an action game. The save system is horrible and actively hurts the enjoyability of the game. There is nothing I hated more than dying to Griffon 3, and because I had no Yellow Orbs, having to do the whole ass fetch quest including the garbage platforming section again every single time. Speaking of Griffon, almost all bosses in this game suck. Nelo Angelo and (maybe) Phantom are the only ones I'd call enjoyable. Nightmare, Griffon and Mundus on the other hand are pretty much atrocious projectile spam and little else. One thing I did like about the game was the atmosphere. Great care has clearly been put into making Mallet Island feel like an eerie place meant to make you uneasy, something the amazing soundtrack majorly contributes to. I also just think Dante is pretty cool.