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The overall narrative of the game is well-designed, and for the most part, the decision-making and the consequences of those decisions are very direct. In very few games have I spent this much time weighting my dialogue choices and analyzing the complex political and sociological network built under the hood.

The game is nonetheless quite raw, especially for the second one from the same studio in the same genre. The X-com-esque combat mechanics is not well balanced, with a lot of the abilities and skills being overwhelmingly useless. In most cases, relying on raw DMG per hit was good enough with the abundantly easily accessible tactical weapons doing the mess-cleanup job afterwards. Unfortunately, close turn-based combat is the strongest part of the game. The exploration aspect (both on the world map and in rather compact local maps) is boringly useless, while the legion skirmishes leave an impression of purely cosmetic additions, rather than the integral part of the game advanced which they absolutely should have been.

Despite the narrative and the overall plot being quite captivating and borderline addictive, the characters were devastatingly flat, cartoonish, and unlikeable. In other words, this game really is a ~50hr long history/ethics lesson, where the actual gaming and interactivity component was pretty much left out.