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6 days ago

mosu finished Tiny Terry's Turbo Trip
Terry is a great communicator. Cuts right to the chase. This boy wants a car and he wants to drive it to space, and he dosn't want to work or go to school. Gotta respect that. It's a great indie love letter to Simpsons Hit & Run with a perfect sense of humor.

6 days ago

mosu finished Cavern of Dreams
Melatonin Themed Banjo-Like. The aesthetics are charming, but I just couldn't get into this. It definitely has a more sleepy tone to it. The music especially is very soothing and ethereal which matches the vibe but made me feel a little.. uh, I guess tired? I don't know if thats bad per-say but I think I prefer my platformers a little more upbeat. Seems like a great game for a young kid, although I'd personally show them Spyro first.

7 days ago

mosu finished Nightmare Kart
"Ahaaa, a Legally Distinct Hunter™ is a Legally Distinct Hunter™ even in a d̶r̶e̶a̶m Nightmare." -Nicolas, host of the nightmare

Its silly, inspired, a playable shitpost, and best of all, free. I don't know if I would really say its fun to play but its a good time and a good laugh for any Bloodborne fan. I mean, they even have Father Gregory.

8 days ago

mosu is now playing Resident Evil 4

14 days ago

mosu published a list Personal GOTYs

30 Games

14 days ago

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