As someone who spent over a 1000 hours on this game, I can honestly say this is the best sandbox multiplayer I have ever played and don't think anything will ever surpass it.

It was really fun making tactics to win matches and this was specially easy to do in Rush (game mode) if you understood the map layout and had good fundamentals.

I was the leader of two platoons (Sniper Legion and a subdivision) and playing with the members was just a blast.

At the time I only had a PS3 (no PC) and this was revolutionary when it comes to the scale of the maps and sandbox experience for consoles.

Since then, I have played BF1, 1943, Bad Company 2 and BF4 and nothing compares.

While BF4 is a good contender to be the best, I played it way past its prime. Playing on non-official servers on PC is VERY unfun, they take away the sandbox experience out of the game with a lot of rules. It's also very derivative from BF3 so it doesn't have a lot of merit in my eyes.

One of the moments that best represent BF3 is the famous Rendezook:

A lot of people criticize the game for its story mode and while that's a valid point of view, singleplayer is not really the focus of this game; this game is all about the multiplayer experience.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2021
