Max Payne 3 Simply a masterpiece in the third person action world of gaming, with a redeeming point of our protagonist.

Story Payne was just hangin' around in New Jersey but his alcoholic addiction started to kick in it really hurt the character's mental stability, everyone would understand Max's reason why is doing this if you played the other games. Drinking his whole life in one bar but one night a group of unhinged teens came in the bar shouting out words that made Max feel like trash inside but he knew that he could not do anything about it since he was a former NYPD detective. In the bar a former student of the police academy came in recognizing Max since both of them took similar studies.
A bar fight started with our protagonist and his friend Raul Passos, eventually one of the kids got shot and the others in the group started the whole horde of gun blazing around. Escaping with Raul our protagonist finds out what happened exactly about that kid and how he took his life and made a heartbreaking moment for his father. The father ordered gunners to hunt Max and Raul, after escaping Max realized what he did back there, the same feeling he had when his daughter was killed by those junkies. Raul takes a opportunity to ask Max if he wants to move on and hire him as a bodyguard in São Paulo. Max knew that his whole life in Hoboken was drained apart, he accepted the offer and together they became bodyguards to protect Fabiana Branco.
Branco's family is a very wealthy in brazil, our protagonist knew that he needed something to stop thinking about his traumatic past. The family was targeted by gangsters, eventually after they kidnapped Fabiana their journey started to find her and bring her back. But they failed... Max knew how wanted he was so he became a skinhead to change his appearance. Getting the intel that Fabiana was somewhere in Favela started his own mission and hope to save her. Her husband was dead but that did not stop Max to rescue her, he was too late to the party Serrano already took care of her. Fighting his way out surrounded by cops, Nova Esperança wanted Max dead, it was their target. Max finds Giovanna and rescues her, later on Raul left brazil and let Max alone to finish his journey. Payne had to take down Becker since he was a corrupt commander and friends with Victor Branco, he was the second antagonist. Max goes rampage mode to find him in a police station but he fails to kill Becker, later on learning that Victor Branco was behind Sao and the kidnapping of Fabiana, rushing in a train being shot from all the sides Payne gets out of the train and he takes down Becker and then his friend Dave came with a car and helped Payne chase Victor and eventually blowing him up.

Bonus Wow, I remembered more stuff than about the story compared to Max Payne 2, anyways some parts I think uhh I missed in the story but the important ones like the airport chase and the beginning was alright, if you want a game FULL and I mean FULL of action and guns blazing around you should try this game or maybe start with the first one.

Gameplay The novel story writing isn't there anymore since this game was planned by mostly Rockstar and Remedy contributed but this game does not contain puzzles or anything like that, a straigh up third person only aboun gunning everyone in your face with slow motion and it keeps the atmosphere of the other games in this trilogy.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
