The Run could the first ever NFS game that I finished in one day, it is very short but it's unique and very underrated.

In this game you only focus in one race, starting from 10 stages in different american states, while the last one is the east coast. The gameplay does not get boring, the atmosphere changes every time like the weather, and the rivals are gonna give you a bad time. I found myself dying so many times in a single run so don't be like me and take your time with this game if you find it a bit hard. The rubber banding is not that bad but sometimes you will lose the track of the road for no reason at all lol. Also during the cutscenes theres quick time events that are not that hard so no complains there and the police is not bad at all if you know how to escape a road block, but the I found the npcs to be AGAIN the most annoying like every NFS game ever.

The story is about jack, a young man who gets in trouble with the mob. He's highly in debt and needs the money to pay them. He finds a huge race across the USA with many racers ahead. With the help of Sam Harper jack gets in the race and races till he wins. In the race there's time events where the protagnist needs to cross the drivers in a time limit. Your first rivals are 2 girls, Nikki and Mila and then you will face Cesar DeLeon and Calvin Garret which was the hardest rival in my opinion but in the end was easy. In the storyline you will need to change cars as well, the police will be after you all the time but after you escaped the mob cars and destroyed the helicopter you will need to go visit Uri, he's a mechanic and a friend of Sam and he will help you get a fancy car. You will revisit some rivals but your main antagonist is Marcus Blackwell, the man who does not only want to win the 10 million race but take Jack out as well after he witnessed his escape in the car crusher. After you are done with Calvin there's only one racer and that is Marcus, a last 15km race till the winning price, you get separated from him and you take the underground way and after you are back to surface you take your time and get down to the winning point after Marcus's car gets destroyed in the chase. After winning you meet again with Sam and she asks you again if you want another race to call her but now you are free from the trouble and that's where the story ends.

The Run is a interesting racing game, but I warn you only piracy works if you want to try this game for the PC, the game is off digital fronts and that's the only way to play it. I didn't had problems with it but some minor crashes happened even at the end before the credits rolled but it was fine, was it better than hot pursuit 2010? nah, the characters are forgettable and even if hot pursuit didn't have a story it felt better, this one only has a storyline and that's about it even tho it was the last ea blackbox release.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2024
