Truly beautiful. I really like how, initially, everything may appear overwhelming and contrived, but it gradually unfolds in an organic and thoughtful manner.

The eventual camaraderie among the party members after the rough start with all of them, the thematic depth, and the overall flow of the game are remarkable. The dungeon design is exceptional, the cities are visually stunning, and the villain rivals the likes of Dhaos.

The game handles sorrowful themes with the same sincerity and levity that great animes do. Abyss is a gem of a game that provided me with an enjoyable experience throughout, surpassing Symphonia in almost every aspect. As for the gameplay, I'm still undecided on whether I prefer this or Symphonia, but everything else is undoubtedly a significant improvement.

Guy stands out as the best bro ever and while Anise may be considered the weakest link in the game by far, she is far from being the worst character ever after you get deep in the gameplay.

The OST, while not bad, doesn't quite match the greatness of this game, except for its incredible opening. This is the best Tales of game I have played thus far.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023
