[Played on NSO on Switch] I have been meaning to play Gunstar Heroes fore years. Treasure is a developer that has almost unanimous praise in the industry, and many claim that Gunstar Heroes is there number one piece of work (or maybe Ikaruga). Personally, the only Treasure game I have played so far was Sin and Punishment, in which I have grown to appreciate more since initially playing. I basically played through Gunstar Heroes 2 and a half times in the course of a day. The first time, I got a couple of levels in, but had picked the chaser gun option and was kinda annoyed by my choice after a little bit, so I restarted. My second playthrough, I picked the force gun option and was shocked by how much better I was at the game by simply replaying already. I proceeded to beat the game all the way through on normal difficulty, but with pretty heavy assistance of the rewind feature. My third playthrough I played in entirety on Easy, but with no rewind and felt pretty good about it. I know this isnt very impressive, but I am personally not great at these types of games and was pretty happy with myself for leaving it there for now. Gunstar Heroes is really ahead of its time in terms of difficulty, as continues are unlimited which is very nice for 1993. The game’s replayability seems more hinged on seeing how many points you can rack up on a 1 hour run, rather than gatekeep you artificially from ever beating the game, which seems very Treasure. The gun combo system is also pretty cool, where you can mix and match all 4 of the gun options to create new ones. The game is also a technical powerhouse given how many enemies and explosions are on screen, yet it rarely slows down. Enjoyed my couple runs on the game, and look forward to trying a harder difficulty one day on 3D Gunstar Heroes on 3DS.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
