It’s not really bad, but its not something I really ever want to play again either. My criteria for beating this game was just to beat Normal, Hard and Expert Match Modes, but the last challenge for Expert is such BS. I was doing the whole run with Akari but no matter what I did, the avalanche would just consume me and I couldn't see anything within 20 seconds. I resorted to using cheat codes to get to that one mission, but still couldn't beat it. Its whatever though, the gamick of building up a power meter through tricks to knock opponents down is definitely a unique twist, but not really as fun as just gaining speed. I rarely if ever had the opportunity to build up enough meter to knock my enemy down, but thats probably because I suck. Its really cool that Nintendo of North America got to make games like this and Wave Race and I wish they were still able to make this type of stuff. Nintendo doesn't really have anything else like them. But this was released the year before Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, and Nintendo Software Technology has been relegated to that section of hell ever since basically. I like the character designs a-lot, but music could have a little more variety too.

Reviewed on May 10, 2021
