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This game's villian has the greatest origin story I have ever encountered in all of fiction. He told a bunch of his childhood peers when he was younger that he was going to go to a Theme Park and eat rice balls, but then got sick the day he was supposed to go, so he became a super villan. Incredible motivation, I would turn out the exact same if something that traumatic happened to me. As for the game itself, im really happy this was brought to the west. I recently completed Attack of The Friday Monsters, and thr similarities between the 2 are VERY striking (down to the same exact train bell sound effects). Of course, im sure this game is even more so similar to the My Summer Vacation games, beings as it is one. But I wouldnt know since I have never played a main line entry. This game does do a weird kinda Majora's Mask thing, where you relive the same week over and over. While at first I was like, oh that makes sense, its to give you unlimited time since each day runs on a timer and you can only acomplish so much in a given day. But I'm pretty sure no mater what, the game just equates out to 3 weeks worth of time, since major story events have to happen for days to progress. So why not just have the vacation last 3 weeks instead of wiping everybodies memories each week? Maybe its simply the devs trying to have more fun with the formula, because thats how thr main series works, which might be more grounded in logic? I couldnt say, beings as they are Japan only. Regardless, it works out, just a weird choice. The story is pretty stiffly brought over and localized for the west, with not every joke making sense. But I think that works for this type of game being as its so Japanese in its identity, I wouldnt want it to have to cater to an American's logic. But I do think the game could have done without the dinosaurs. This is something I felt about Attack of The Friday Monsters too, as with both of these games I feel like the game would be more intresting and imersive without these weird monster plot lines. I'm not ultra familer with Shin-Chan though, but I watched a few episodes while playing this, and it tonaly doesnt feel super acurate to the source matrial, but I cant really say for sure. I enjoyed this more than Attack of thr Friday Monster's, mainly due to this being a much more fleshed out and realized version of that game, with the included bug catching and fishing. The main gameplay loop of collecting different pictures and memories through experiencing in game events and questlines is something I enjoyed and was addictive to complete, as I liked the in game pictures you got for completing things. But sometimes it feels like your just talking tl everybody in town on a given day to see if its time for there quest line to progess. Definitely something I could see myself replaying in a couple of years though, the art style is very well done.

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022
