[Played on Switch] Was intending to really just play through the e-Reader Levels, but instead compleated the main game as well 100%. I never had this Mario Advanced growing up, I had Yoshi's Island and Mario World. The whole Advance series was actually a really smart move on Nintendo's end. With the Gamecube's Gameboy Player, Nintendo was esentially porting Super Nintendo Quality games to not only the Gameboy Advance, but the Gamecube. And stupid kids like me at the time thought games like Yoshi's Island were brand new games. I still heavily associate Yoshi's Island with the Gameboy more than the SNES. So bassicly, Mario Advance 4 is Mario 3 from Mario All Stars, but with a couple of improvments. Like the Opening Cutscene is cute, and I much prefer the GBAs soundtrack of the game to the SNES. And of cours, between the years 2001 and 2005, Mario never shut up. I personally like the overly obnoxious catchphrase shouting Mario of these games. Phrases like "Lucky!" are seared in to my skull as a a child. The big addition and reason anyone plays this version of the game though, is the 38 e-reader levels. They are very cool and worth playing and very un-nintendo in a lot of different ways. Nintendo R & D esentially finished there work on the Advance series with this game, and just started balling by designing pretty fun and classic levels with assets from across all the 2D console mario games. There kinda like ROM hacks. And on top of that, modern Nintendo (starting with the Wii U VC) left ALL the levels unlocked?? They dont really do stuff like that very often in an offical capacity, so its cool that they did it. The one thing I wish, is if Nintendo one day makes a BIG GIANT 2D Mario game collection, that has every 2D Mario game from the original to Wii U, with all the minuta in between in there like the Land games, Deluxe and the Advance remakes, that they include a collection of all the cards artworks in the digital manual browser. It would be cooler knowing the context behind alot of the levels you play, with those little blurbs on the e-Reader Cards.

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2023
