This game makes me so sad, dude. Imagine having the best, most hyped game in existence turned to shit. This is what Dying Light 2 is. I'm sorry, but god is this game just... Wrong on so many levels. The first game came out of nowhere, with no expectations, and it blew everyone away. It was literally Dead Island, a game loved basically universally, with PARKOUR! And now, with more development time and a higher budget, Dying Light 2 is somehow worse than its predecessor. Maybe it's the charm the first game had, or the time period, or the nostalgia, but the first Dying Light can't be beaten. Especially not by... Whatever this is.

Random RPG elements: Why are some of the basic features in the game relegated to RPG Skill Tree bullshit? Why did this game turn into an RPG in the first place? It's okay to have a skill tree, but christ at least make it something interesting and not just "Generic RPG Element #241". One of my favorite genre of games is RPG but this just ain't how you do it. You can't have one foot in the Open-World, Action, Horror Game and one in the RPG, Skill Tree, Ability-Based Game.

10/10 Story: Somehow, the first game's anonymous and generic ass story was so much better than this one. Who cares about Mia, or all the weird plot points they tried to bring up. Aiden has about the same charisma as a broom and while the voice actor is good, every other voice actor (except maybe for Hakon) sucks. They sound so much like "videogame characters" and I hate that. I love campiness, hell Evil Dead is one of my favorite movie franchises, but jeez at least don't make them sound like they came straight out of Oblivion. Give me back Crane, for the love of god.

No firearms: WHAT?! WHY? I agree that gunplay was pretty pretty bad and boring in the first game (in all Dead Island-esque games to be honest) but it was an option that existed, and it makes no sense why they would remove it. And then it's justified in-game with the "no ammo being produced anymore" bullshit.

Floaty Parkour: It is so weird. The parkour in the first one was perfect, but this one just feels kinda... Meh. It's floaty, it's slower, and it's kinda clunky, especially when making long jumps. It feels like you're being magnetically attracted to what you're jumping towards.

Multiplayer sucks ass: Okay like literally, what sense does it make for a game that used to be SO FUN in multiplayer, to get relegated to this broken, non-working, mess of a system. No co-op story progression, no different characters, buggy sync between clients, goofy ahh animations 💀 and the worst offender... It just doesn't work. Especially at launch, it sucked to much ass. And people kept saying they would "fix it".

And that's the problem. Games nowadays can suck dick and everyone will say they're gonna be "fixed" and everything will be good and jolly. But that's not how it should work. If you release a game, you need to be 100% confident it'll be at the very least stable. Even AC:Unity, one of my favorite Assassin's Creed games, sucked so much when it was first released. Cyberpunk, GTA Definitive Collection, Battlefield 2042, Fallout 76. This is not how games should be released. Polish them. For christ's sake, you had SO MUCH TIME TO FIX IT AND YET YOU DIDN'T.

It is a huge letdown and I could smell it a mile away. It's such a downgrade compared to the iconic first game and I can't help but be sad at how many sequels are ruining their franchises nowadays. It truly is... Sad.

I could get into so much more but it's not worth it, not for a game like this. Shame on you, Techland. Shame on you.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2022
