Well, definitely not a great game or an original one or anything, but as a fan of the series I enjoyed the main plotline enough to finish it and put in about 30 hours total, including some character quests and other stuff.

Could have been an interesting reboot for the series, too bad the studio is dead now so it's probably the last entry the franchise will have.

Some good additions to New Leaf (terraforming!) but the characters have better personalitites in NL and in general I tend to prefer NL's "simpler" game loop.

It feels like NL was made to be played in short sessions every day for the rest of your life, while New Horizons was made to be binged and "completed" by playing it as much as possible as fast as possible. Which to be fair, even if it was true, would probably have been the correct choice for the COVID era. I just prefer NL personally!

Vampire Survivors started the survivorlike subgenre, and quite a few spawned off of it. Like Halls of Torment is Vampire Survivors meets Diablo 2, Brotato is Vampire Survivors meets The Binding of Isaac.

Great style, TBoI-like room structure (20 rooms where each lasts for a couple of minutes, instead of one giant dungeon lasting half an hour), lots of content but not so much that you'll get sick of it (especially if achievement hunting, since they keep the gameplay pretty varied by forcing you to switch classes and not just keep using the one you like the most).
Visibility is great and it's easy to find "safe spots" at a glance, which is pretty important with the small rooms. The room structure with the shop between rooms is a pretty huge twist on the genre and makes it even more "portable", which is fantastic for playing on a Steamdeck (where I played all my 121 hours on).

If you don't like survivorlikes, this is probably not the one that will change your mind. If you do, definitely give this one a try!