This game is mostly the same thing as Pokémon Red/Blue, so I’m treating this as if it’s the first Pokémon game. With that being said, I’ve got to give it credit for launching maybe the most successful gaming franchise of all time. Having 151 unique Pokémon in the very first game is extremely impressive in my opinion. For the most part, this game has aged very well for a Gameboy game. The gameplay stands well today, and though the sound and visuals are worse than the future games, I can easily forgive that for how old it is. There is one major negative about this game though that makes it very tough to play today. It’s extremely slow. I played this game on Delta so I played at accelerated speed but when I tried to play at normal speed I just couldn’t. At accelerated speed, this game is a lot of fun and is downright addicting. However, this game in it’s original state is grueling and I would not play it that way.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
