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"I'm guessing that dress will cause a few of them."



I can move around and shit!

There are combos and shit!

The combat in general is just so fucking sick now.

The dismemberment is awesome.

The blood is awesome.

The sex appeal is awesome.

The combat, and the way it's so immediately superior to the first game's combat, is awesome.

I love how sometimes you'll slice someone's leg off and they'll hop around on the other for a bit or crawl on the floor.

I love the new traversal system. You swing on poles and slide down railings and shit.

The pre-rendered cutscenes are just as awesome as in the first game.

"Dhampir go down just like anybody else."
"Aw, not just like anybody else."

But it definitely feels more PS2 than PC in that it loses the charm that the first game had. And in that the graphics are kind of...worse? Less detailed. I think it's especially apparent when the characters speak.

The art direction might be better, but the execution isn't. It's solid, but it's not better.

Ironically, despite the new combat, this feels way more repetitive and tedious. At least towards the end when the enemies become more annoying. Maybe it's because of the abundance of bosses.

People say that this one is easier than the first, and they're clearly out of their minds.

It's sort of the opposite of the first. Everything points to this one being the superior game, with less tedious combat, but it's not. Maybe there just was something to the first game's simplicity.

This is still fucking awesome, though. I could probably play the mansion over and over again.

I love Rayne! This is more Rayne.

"The master can blow me."