Ivy Valentine is the least of its problems. Her dominatrix whip play is a recognizable style if nothing else. But what are we to make of teenage Seong Mi-na’s pink silks and casual underboob? Or Talim’s my-first-bikini and fresh teen face? “Come on!” she says. Does the soul still burn?

Welcome back to the stage of history, player. Except it’s not the late 16th century, as the game would have it, or even the late 20th, when the stage was first set, but 2018. And in 2018, you can fuck off with that bullshit. It wasn’t OK before, but it takes a particular gall to double down now.

But that’s how these games are! But these girls kick ass! But it’s Japan! To which there can be only one response: anta baka?!?!

I do not trust this game. I don’t trust the sexist character designs. I don’t trust the forced drama of the reversal edge. I don’t trust the embarrassing writing in the campaigns. I don’t trust the ultra-conservatism of a moveset and gameflow that’s hardly changed in twenty years. I was there with my Dreamcast. I remember when this series was something new and exciting. Not this irrelevant has-been.

If some players want to reclaim Ivy or Taki or Sophitia, transform sexual objects into empowered subjects and make them their own, that’s great. Games avatars are flexible like that. But Soulcalibur VI is still sexist. And Soulcalibur VI still sucks.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2020
