can see why this is apparently the weakest of the main series although i wasnt aware of that until i finished it and i do like it quite a bit
no spoilers, but the patterns of the main series stories really show and start to suffer towards the end of this. between this and yakuza 4 this Zone of yakuza might be the most absurd it gets story wise, though i haven't played 5 or 6 yet
really charming Okinawa overworld is what i think seals this as good-great for me, of course you aren't necessarily bombarded with things to do but it's a chill area and has a lot of appeal to me. the day care stuff feels pointless at first but also has a lot of charm, really love haruka etc etc. there are a lot of things i could say about the last leg of the story on this but i'll save my energy for now. good game

oh yeah the combat is kinda annoying but once you Git Gud its alright

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2021
