I don't think this game does anything better than Borderlands 2. I might have enjoyed this more if this was my first entry into the series but after playing BL2 first.. this game is rocky.

The story is almost entirely non-existent. The main antagonist, Commandant Steele (if that's even her name), is a complete non-entity. You run to one location, do a quest. Run to another location, do a quest. There is little connective tissue holding the story together. It really just feels aimless.

This game really likes the color brown considering most of the environments are a dull, rocky, brown landscape. This is something BL2 greatly improves upon with locations like the Eridium Blight, Caustic Caverns, and Opportunity. Many of the locations just bleed together in this game.

Despite all of this, I still had an enjoyable time. I think that just goes to show the strength of the gameplay of the Borderlands series. Nothing beats the excitement of killing an enemy and seeing a flash of purple or orange loot. This game has lots of potential and I'm glad to see that potential was realized in BL2

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2024
