Certainly eclipsed in some ways by later entries, but still a classic. It deserves a lot of credit for pushing the limits of stylish action in a 3D environment.

Yeah, it feels kind of stiff, but I think the combat holds up pretty well aside from that. Every hit has a nice crunchiness to it, which is something admittedly lost in DMC5 in its pursuit of realism. It's a good complement to that badass soundtrack as you're beating on enemies once you're used to the controls. Such a blast. Incentivising clever and bold play is the style meter, which rewards you for mixing up your moves. The requirements for reaching "Stylish!" on the meter are strict but satisfying. It's all tied together beautifully, and is resonant with Dante as a character. Yes, truly, this game makes you feel like Dante.
...At higher level play anyway.
It all culminates in that great feeling when you get that S rank at the end of a mission, signifying a job well done.

I don't think any of the later entries match up to DMC1 in terms of atmosphere, and that's thanks to its music, sound design, the distinctly gothic feel of Mallett Island, and the camera angles. The fixed camera angles get a lot of flack, and rightfully so to an extent, but it does pay off at times. When the developers know how to take advantage of it, it looks good.

As impressive as DMC1 is, it's not without its crust. Depending on the context, the jumping can range from fine to downright painful. It works well for combat, but when platforming... it's pretty rough. Both phases of the Mundus boss fight are weak (not including the one in the last mission), but the finale of the game makes up for it. DMC1 doesn't sport a crazy good story, but it still ends on an emotional high point.
DMC1 is overall blisteringly hard and unforgiving to those trying to use it as a gateway into the genre. It's not going to click straight away, but it's still worth the try if you have any interest in it. And try not to sweat the low ranks too much, it's to be expected on your first run.

If you struggled or are struggling to get into DMC1 on the first playthrough like I did, start a fresh run and see if you're surprised by how much better you're doing. That second run was one of the most enjoyable and satisfying experiences I've ever had playing a game.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2021
