It's clear a lot of love was poured into this, really can't overstate the creativity of the characters' abilities and tasteful fanservice, but I wish the shop progression leaned more on providing new tools rather than stat increases. How well I fare on the second level feels more like a measure of how much I've invested into these stat increases than actually getting good at the game, which ain't really my cuppa. Not to say there isn't strategy in picking your level-up upgrades, but if you haven't used the shop much this won't be enough and you'll really feel the chasm between yourself and the later enemies. Well, in my experience anyway. Maybe some baller Holocure players can offer some advice there.
I haven't played Vampire Survivors but I wouldn't be surprised if it had similar issues.
Also wish there was a clearer hitbox; I really like being able to herd and weave between the enemies. or maybe im bad that is also valid

feel bad dunking on something that didn't cost me a penny, so i'll say it's admirable how much care and effort is being put into something released for free. love a good passion project.

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022
