Far Cry 6 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 9, 2022

Platforms Played


Completed all trophies, missions, etc., so I only now feel fine to give my opinion on this game.

To me, by far, this is the weakest Far Cry game ever. I've been playing since the FC2-FC3 era on Windows, and have slopped up every single one of them with some shit eating grin on my face, no matter how good or bad they be. This game, is absolutely Ubisoft screwing the pooch, and is the future of all of their "open-world" games. It's an endgame that proves antithetical to the creativity of video games, and fun as a whole.

So, the gameplay. Guns feel great, better than FC5, and those already felt awesome. So, points in their favor. Other than that though? What the fuck happened. This game has gone completely off the rails in progression. Instead of having no skills and working your way through objectives to gain the most useful abilities and quadruple takedowns, you start with being able to do whatever you could from previous games's endgames. (Outside of New Dawn, sorry, you can't jump 30 feet into the air). Anyways, that just puts a huge damper on the gameplay. Y'know what else does too? The fact that the first gun you pick up, can basically be the best weapon in the game. Yep, just go over to their new atroicious forced-in crafting system, and make your gun "armor-piercing". Now, you can one-shot headshot anyone in the game, as long as your general "level" is around theirs. Boom, easy game. I wish I could make it harder, but there's only two difficulties: An actual video game or IGN mode. No harder difficulties to make anything engaging, either "normal" or "easy". Never thought I'd complain about a game NOT having a hard mode, but here I am.

Then, the story. You probably think it's gonna be this huge Narcos, Breaking Bad deal with Gus Fring as some evil muwahahah dictator like all the funny ads right? Nope, you're gonna spend about 95% of the game going after his insignificant lackeys that lack any semblance of seriousness or fun. Woo, fucking, hoo. Occasionally you see a cutscene with him, but those are sparse, and further serve his son more than they do Anton.

The ending, is fucking atrocious and completely ruined any fun I had looking forward to it. Basically ends with nothing gained, nothing lost, and a MCU-esque post-credits scene (as if these movies weren't the shittiest things cinema could offer, here it comes in the video game world) teases the fact that Vaas isn't dead and is now some global arms dealer.

Holy fuck, I wish I could give this game a .5, but I'm keeping it okay thanks to the fact that guns feel good, and some of the activities are a bit more in line with older, more fun Far Cry games. That's it. Nothing else to say positive.

Wait, one more thing that's positive. Honestly, buy this game cheap with the Gold package, and play the DLCs. Actually super fun and kinda rogue-like with some challenge. Way better than the main game.