God of War is an awesome experience that I still think everyone should play.

The gameplay still is pretty tight despite all these years. The combat is always feeling fresh and fun as you unlock new moves by spending your blood/orbs to power Kratos through his journey. Along with this, the magics you collect are those of mythical creatures and Gods who try and power you up to take down Ares, the game's big bad.

The story, despite being basic by today's standards, was pretty motivating. Kratos's downfall is told by the Gods, along with them encouraging him to redeem himself and take Ares's life for them. It's fun to trek through destroyed Greek towns and forests, even heading into hell for a portion of the game. It really creates memorable areas.

My biggest gripes would be a lack of cutscenes or enemies who really try to stop Kratos. There are all of three bosses in this game, and one isn't even that memorable and is more like a weird mech inside the chambers storing Pandora's Box.

Along with this, the game just doesn't hit the same highs you'd expect it to. The ending is pretty good and worth staying along with, but at no point, unlike every other GOW game, do you really feel mighty in this game. It has a really good beginning, and a really good end, but the middle just feels like Kratos's generic quest to obtain the McGuffin. I don't feel like this game has the meaning of most other GOW games, which is why it's good, but not great.

Reviewed on May 17, 2022
