I didn't get around to this game for a while because it was an Epic Exclusive, but I'm glad I did anyways! This game was actually super charming and fun, no matter if you love or hate golf.

The gameplay revolves around doing hundreds of levels with various tasks and references to pop culture and satirizes them well enough to be funny. I enjoyed levels that turned golf into an FPS, a Superhot level, and stealth missions while controlling the golf ball.

Overall, it's a super fun game I think more people should try, it's nothing phenomenal that will break your brain and leave you emotionally invested, but it's fun and was fun enough to 100%.

Smash Ultimate is a great fighting game that brings back fan favorites and adds new ones through DLC. Gameplay is fun and accurate, as are hitboxes, and the game has a thriving competitive scene when Nintendo isn't actively trying to shut it down.

Speaking of Nintendo shutting it down, that's where the only flaws for this game are really found. The first flaw is them really making a lazy Campaign mode after a great side-scrolling adventure with plenty of cutscenes we had in Brawl. It is an upgrade from the party game mode from SSB4, but still lacks the cutscenes and fun team ups.

I think another flaw was releasing that at launch, when the multitude of fun DLC characters would have been fun to see interacting with the story too (legit the story deals with bashing away darkness cmon Sora fits right in)

The other is the obliviously bad multiplayer which shouldn't be overlooked for a fighting game. Nintendo's online is terrible along with the system for this game which just chooses one person's ruleset to go with, and you may end up fighting someone who puts it on one stock + items, and losing your rank from that.

Overall, a switch must-play, that hopefully is expanded and explored plenty of years down the line yet again. And here's hoping they're able to retain the DLC in the game.

Wow, I really adored this game despite thinking it would just be "okay" as I got in bundled with a bunch of other cheap games.

But this was a really great game. I didn't find much to compare it to other than Doom 2016, which I somehow played that before this game, but the same stuff holds. It's a great, grounded, amazing story with memorable characters and moments, along with being super fucking dark in the best ways.

I still cannot get over the fact that the first level really puts you in such a great position to start learning about the narrative. You're one of the last members of a militia trying to take down a Nazi base when they've nearly won the war outright. Speaking with your buddies, you think it's going to be another standard FPS set in wartime, but, after the first mission, you'll thank me for recommending it and seeing how it subverts the typical story fashion.

The worst parts of this game is the design around stealth and upgrades, at least in my opinion. There aren't many places to hide, or corners to turn without boom, a Nazi is standing right there, and the entire area is alerted within a couple seconds. I really wasn't able to kill almost any of the generals with stealth, I'm sure with a good YouTube video I could of, but I think somewhat terrible level design has been mentioned already here.

Regardless, this game is awesome, and I think anyone bored with more modern FPS games should pick it up ASAP. It's totally not what I expected, which is amazing in the oversaturated wartime FPS genre.

It's a good game. The gameplay felt damn near revolutionary for the time, at least to me. Realizing that the Yakuza series tackled most of them ahead of time hurt, but this game still takes a lot of meaningful, great differences, and puts them together in one whole cohesive piece.

There are some really frustrating moments in gameplay. At the beginning of the game, only a misstep or two will kill Shen, not to mention the weapons they use that have plenty of status effects. It gets a bit easier when you have full health and upgrade your abilities in fun ways.

The story is great if you ask me. Shen plays in the double life perfectly, and there are moments of serious intensity between the triad and the cops, not to mention Wei having to go against police code and kill countless rival gangs to lower suspicion against him.

I think the game's fine as it is and doesn't need a sequel, but I'd be much quicker to reccomend something like Yakuza, and if you miss the 3rd person shooting, play Mass Effect or Gears or some other game. It's just okay, great at times.

The game's got a lot of style but is pretty frustrating in some areas along with feeling clunky. Most characters aren't even close to viable until you level them up fully, which makes it annoying as you keep throwing yourself at a level, trying to learn a bit more each time.

I think there's better beat em ups out there but it's not like this is terrible. I'd rather play something like Castle Crashers or Streets of Rage IV.

Saints Row: The Third is a game. It is a good game, with a wonderful open world, a new town to explore, great customization options, and a whole new arsenal of immature weapons and disturbing activities.

That being said, Saints Row: The Third is probably one of the most insulting games ever for the fans of the previous two games. "The Third" should really be a continuation of the story of the Third Street Saints, a gang from humble beginnings, now taking over a megacorporation and hoping to execute crime on a global level.

There are some glimpses of continuation from the previous story, but in short, the game opens on a commercial for their new drink, Saints Flow, and with a robbery ride-along with an actor who will be starring in the new Saints Row movie. This is not your average start to a series that has taken itself mostly serious.

I'd compare Saints Row 1 and 2 to something like The Onion. SR2 especially, as headlines finish every mission with some quippy hilarity as the tabloids covered what you just did. Saints Row: The Third is a lot like a Borderlands or modern comedy show. Reference humor, random quips, awkward moments played up for laughs, derailment of the story just so there can be zombie missions and Burt Reynolds, etc.

Saints Row: The Third is a great game that I had fun with and completed fully. But this is one of the biggest FUs that's been delivered to fans of the old games and the style of Saints Row.

God only hopes a reboot can lean back into the Saints Row 2 style, but from what it looks like, eh, safe to say the classics of this series will remain dead and buried.

Just an all-around fun game with numerous difficulty levels. It'll punish you pretty bad for the first couple of hours, but when you understand build synergy, most pain subsides and you're left with a badass and fun experience.

Only complaint would be the lack of end-game harder challenges, but they seem to be updating the game very often with new stuff, so I hope the game continues to be successful and fun.

I would love for a remaster of this game and this franchise as a whole. From what I remember, the game was gritty, dark, and walked a great line between that edgy and serious side.

I remember being a bit more bored with parts two and three from the game's stellar first act, along with being puzzled with certain parts of the game with more narrow hallways and cover elements when we all just wanted to dolphin dive into slow motion.

I hope 3 gets a remaster and the love it deserves after this long while. Even though I never played 1 and 2, I do believe this franchise deserves a lot more praise, remasters, and maybe even a reboot for the addictive gameplay loop.

Probably would be more fun if the friend I was playing with wanted to finish it. Any takers?

This game is due for a replay, so take my remembrance with a grain or two of salt.

I thought this was a good introduction to the series. Combat was fun, the cast was memorable, and the story, was maybe a bit long, but overall a game that really made me want to continue the franchise.

It reminds me a lot of games that are really great at world-building. Mass Effect really puts you into the universe quick and lets you know right from wrong whenever you'd like to do it. Despite being such an early game, I do like how the choices matter and they give you opportunities to be a real saint -- or dick.

Pretty good game for the time, and will replay when I get my hands on the remaster!

Eh, there are a lot of things I like about this game and a lot of things I loathe. For starters, I actually love how complex of a game this is for being a side-scrolling beat 'em up. Each character feels unique and there are no copies across the roster. You can fall in love with any character you want, and find ways to succeed for the most part.

The story was also pretty good in introducing Dr. Doom in a memorable way, but other than that, it's mostly just lackeys bitching until Doom nukes the whole world in the final act, as you prepare for one last assault.

The side missions are okay, "affecting" the end of the game in cutscenes but also being extremely obtuse and hard to solve sometimes. Collectables are fun missions based on comic book encounters, and getting gold on all of them is hard, but rewarding.

Where the game loses me is that it's 100% okay and rewarding of grinding. Even in my normal playthrough, I had to back out of a mission and head back to the simulation discs to grind XP and finish the game out. Most people probably will not have the tolerance for that, and I cannot blame them.

It's an okay game, but 2 did it much better. This was a great start though!

I'll fully admit I never had the PS3 to play Infamous 1&2. But I thought this was a decent first step into the franchise, and I followed it up with Second Son.

The gameplay for this game was really fun, for the time and now, I really liked shooting and crippling the weak spots, combining an action-game feel with precision can't go wrong, and I personally enjoyed the first few hours of it.

Sadly, with this game, after that time, I really didn't feel much more interested in the story or keeping on doing those lame gameplay loops. It got old quickly, which is something that Second Son remedied quite well.

Speaking of the story, I remember nothing, which, phew. Basically I liked some darker aspects that push the T rating a bit, and the world-building and abuse of the DUP leading into why they're the bad guys, but overall, meh. The villains weren't compelling, I find it really weird that this game's main baddies are Russian gangsters who really just wanna kill these people for some reason? I didn't get that in Second Son either but, whatever.

Yeah, this game has some really good shine at the beginning, but falls flat overall and the last couple hours I did was grinding the infinite enemy mode for platinum. A good game, but just, okay.

God of War: Chains of Olympus is a good PSP game, but fails just as its sequel did to capture much of the same might and magic of GOW2 and GOW3.

The gameplay is just as good as what's on consoles, with a bit of annoying QTEs that rely on spamming, but Kratos's toolset in this game is just great, even if it's such a short experience most really won't notice it until it's over.

The story again just feels, okay. I can't totally even recall it despite beating it last year, but I remember the final boss and that setup being pretty good, along with a battle on the River Styx with the Ferryman as well, even if it was annoying that that portion of the game began with you instalosing to the Ferryman, then having to get sent around for an hour or two before you came back and beat him legit. Hate when games do that...

An okay game, but the main series is where the magic truly is. Try it if you're a God of War completionist.

Far Cry 4 is a good game, but sadly, does little to differentiate it from its predecessor, Far Cry 3. While there are welcome additions such as coop, and the most beautiful Far Cry map in history even including the newer games.

The gameplay is the same way as the three with new guns, attachments, and skins. More custom weapons are added to fit more playstyles, and the skill tree features more linear progression, even if it's annoying that you have to complete specific story missions before even being able to unlock their purchase. The guns feel great, the takedowns are wonderful, and it really doesn't do much bad here.

My main gripe is how this game really is been the blueprint for the past few Far Cry games, and even then, I found this one borrowing from 3 a bit much. Pagan Min is a great villain, he's cocky, he calls into Ajay quite a bit just to troll him, but you never really see...him. He's very uninvolved, as his lackeys control every region of Kyrat, and you'll be fighting them for 97% of the game. Even then, the stupid twist with Pagan, the claim that he was always trying to "help" you just feels so disingenuously made, like they tried to make this into a better story with the secret ending (wait for Pagan when eating at beginning of game), but his actions still seem so deplorable the whole time.

And that's not even getting into how much I and most others who played this game detested the Golden Path. The main terrorists who help you fight your way through the game often have no charisma or personality, it's just Amita, who acts as a liberal and suggests drugs and opium can bring the Golden Path sizeable revenues, or Sabal, who acts as a conservative and wants to do weirdo child marriage rituals on their daughter more than actually fight. This stupid false dichotomy felt like one of the worst stories I've played, and concludes with nothing satisfying happening in any fashion, with Pagan or the Golden Path.

It's a shame that this is probably one of the better Far Cry's, my favorite next to 3 and 3: Blood Dragon, but it still finds so many ways to lack story-wise compared to FC3's delve into psyche throughout the game.

I just found this an all-around great DLC. I didn't connect as hard as other players did with the story or found it exceptional, but y'know what? If you guys loved it more than any other game itself, that's just a sign of how great FFXIV is as a game, and why it's worth a try for MMO lovers and haters alike.

Also this patch introduced best class and best races soooo W in that regard.