[Much to think about.]

[Okay I thought.]
[Psycholonials is an amazing art piece that delves deeply into the emotions & situations that surround art & mental illness & how the feedback loop they can create with each other can obliterate everyone involved but especially those so close to the epicenter of it.]

[A lot of this comic is ugly, especially in the beginning. The coldness that comes from a lack of care about the current self, that will always lead to acts of suicide, either literal or social. In this case we see Zhen embrace the vilifying agony of social suicide, & embrace the destruction of herself.]

[This is perhaps one of the most mentally ill creations I have ever experienced, along with things like Girl Interrupted, Midsommar, Lady Bird, or even Celeste; but Psycholonials uses its medium in a very important way that alters the perception of this special type of story that we may have experienced before. It gives the illusion of choice to the "player" when really it is just dictating the proof that Zhen had many moments where she could stop indulging in her self destruction.]

[When in a self-destructive state, it becomes really hard to see things for what they truly are; & the projected self will always permeate through every perception of the events that transpire. It is impossible to not see everything as some aspect of yourself & some aspect of your responsibility; & with that you need all of this trauma to prove that you are suffering & that you either deserve it or this shows that you are TRULY mentally ill & therefore more valid in your pain.]

[The epilogue subverts the entire medium, & gives autonomy & choice to the sufferer, the character themselves. In a claim of selfishness that says "there is never a need for suffering, & nothing is ever as big as it seems, you can pick yourself & it will be okay. Choosing to heal is okay, besides, if you can't fight for yourself how do you expect to fight for anyone else?"]

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2023
