I played through Supermassive Games's cinematic horror game The Quarry with my wife. We picked our characters at the start and passed the controller back and forth throughout. It was a pretty fun experience. The game is primarily "cinematic" gameplay like QTE sequences, and long cut scenes where you may make a choice or two for dialogue or the action your character takes. To break these up, there's also exploration sequences, where you can guide your character around surprisingly large spaces, though often these spaces are pretty empty. The last mode of gameplay is brief third-person shooting segments. My wife isn't a non-gamer, but she's not used to third person shooting, and she ended up fumbling at a crucial moment that led to a character's death—it was one of those rare moments of failure driven ludonarrative consonance. It really made me laugh.

Definitely a good time for a few people who like shitty teen horror movies. I do wish the option to rewind was available from the start. I'm not really interested in replaying whole sections, especially after finding out the epilogue sequence just lists who lived and who died.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

Going to be playing this with my wife soon and probably Until Dawn as well. Wasn't big on the latter, but I never did finish it so I think it's time.