I had a good time playing this game. I've never played any input-based type experience in which you feel like you are scouring the web for information, learning about people's secrets, logging into their accounts, etc. and I really liked feeling like I was immersed in what I was doing and in all the info I was collecting.
However, I would say I would only recommend this game to people that aren't looking for some in-depth hacking simulator. This is more of a guided story experience, which is my preference, so I liked it. It was a good balance of feeling like I had to do stuff on my own plus a few indicators that I'm on the right track.

A few critiques I have are that some of the clues are very easy to scroll over and not collect, which made me want to look up a guide for a lot of the sequences. I tried to do the majority on my own, but towards the end of the game especially, I was heavily leaning on online guides to know what to do. But with that being said I am REALLY bad at puzzles and have little patience, so maybe take that part with a grain of salt.
Also, the translations and awkwardness of the dialogue in this game is very prominent. It can be a bit jarring to have such a graphically unique and interesting game have those awkward dialogue moments that a lot of the time didn't make complete sense. But if you can look past those issues and just have fun hacking away, it's a fun game at its core and you can tell that the developers put a lot of love and effort into it.

All in all, it held my attention as a destressor from everyday life (besides the minigames, which I wasn't good at, so they kind of stressed me out. lmao). I might return and play the DLC sometime. I don't think I'm invested enough to collect all of the achievements.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
