I beat this omnipresent monolith of bullshit on the 360, and more fool me for nibbling when it was offered up all shiny and new for the PS5 for £8.

Fuck me dead though if this isn't the definition of a polished turd. Or perhaps more like Dorian Gray's portrait - as this game somehow manages to keep it's impression of youth, the anarchic spirit of early-naughts R is locked in an attic, rotting, screaming out for someone just to kill it and be done with it.

Leaving all other complaints aside in the interest of my own sanity and retiring this forever, I don't understand how R
get a pass for their game mechanics anymore. The combat is pure jank, the cars handle like you're steering melting butter around a frying pan, and WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO SPAM X TO SPRINT? In the bin, for good. Until they hire a UX/UI designer that's worked this side of the millenium and they sort all of their interface bullshit out (there's an entire essay on this that made me feel seen like nothing else, google RDR2 shit controls or something who remembers) I can honestly say I won't be back.

Gets a 1 star bonus for introducing me to Kendrick Lamar in 2013.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2022
