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it's bad.

i'm not a native english speaker, so excuse me for grammar mistakes, plus i pulled an all-nighter just to finish this game for the sake of learning how far this theatre of the absurd can go.
i kinda liked the beginning: classic duo of a fiery hot-headed guy and a kind collected and kinda mysterious guy resulted in plenty of nice and funny interactions. i liked watching them goofing around near their stupid vending machine or them having to solve puzzles together due to them both being handcuffed. art is also quite nice.
but then, near the end, the plot started...rolled down the hill, flew out of the window. hoo boy. it is so bad, so overly dramatic and forced, i just couldn't take it seriously! this amount of cheesy attempts to create a drama between two people who knew each other for a few hours can work only on someone who is really into shipping pretty boys or people who didn't play a lot of well written games before (for example, Cell of Empireo - one of the best written rpg maker story-driven horror games).
but okay. just a short game about two boys and cannibalism illness (not the virus even), right?
but then i decided to go for true™ endings, and it became much more worse.
the thing is, the further you go, the more you notice how creator just stopped caring about writing at all. "are they just dropping random shit at this point?" - i was thinking.
you see, because you are, in fact, not the creator of these characters - you do not have the bond with them.. yet. it needs to be developed through the game's writing. that's not gonna happen here. when the story empathizes so much on an emotional aspect of it's characters, without knowing these characters well the impact of any emotional scene can be either dull or hilarious for the player. well, you can have some super ultra realistic abusive family portrayal or sibling cannibalism with kid calmly bleeding and romantically willing to die from their close one. maybe these shocking backstories will be impactful for someone, but i'm not that person. i felt like these "backstories" were thrown at the last second, and it felt like nothing more rather than an amateur's first story.
something like "i want to make a game about a disease which symptoms will completely satisfy my intense liking for cannibalism and crazy bloodlusted boys".
i guess if you're in search for the exact same things i described, you will be totally satisfied by this game. it's okay. i understand the appeal but i guess i am not the target audience. in any way, it was a good visual example of "how not to do an rpgmaker game story" for me personally, and at least some moments were fun.
have a good day, im off to sleep now.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
