GTA Vice City Definitive Edition marks my second venture into the Grand Theft Auto series, having previously completed GTA V. This iteration, played on Android via Netflix's gaming platform, showcases a remaster that appears more cosmetic than transformative, resembling a new coat of paint.

Despite visual updates, the game retains a somewhat dated feel, with modest quality of life improvements scattered throughout. The narrative unfolds in the 80s, offering a distinct departure from GTAV. Missions maintain a straightforward structure, save for the persistently challenging RC missions.

Character development is primarily centered around the protagonist, Tommy, with the supporting cast lacking in-depth exploration. Various characters join Tommy's gang, yet their stories remain underdeveloped, providing limited insight into their roles.

With 15 hours invested in completing side missions and acquiring most buildings, the game offers a comprehensive experience. It's worth noting that my choice to engage with the title was influenced by its availability as a complimentary offering for Netflix subscribers; otherwise, I might not have opted for this particular game.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
