Log Status






Time Played

8h 46m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 30, 2022

Platforms Played


Liberation is a neat spin-off of Assassin's Creed 3. It is smaller in scale and with the HD version, you can still feel that it was originally a PS Vita game. The story feels pretty rushed but again with the setting set in the 18th century like AC III and AC Black Flag it is still interesting. New Orleans is small but neatly designed. The Bayou is cool with all the traversing on and between trees. There is even a small section set in Chichén Itzá where the game feels like an Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider game. You even get a whip on which you can swing. If you want more Assassin's Creed you should give it a try but you can feel that it was not intended to be a full game and more like a smaller addition to the main games. It is still better than Unity though.