Log Status






Time Played

5h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 25, 2022

Platforms Played


It's funny. It looks like after the horrendous, buggy and boring main game Ubisoft tried to right their wrongs and make a short DLC that is so much better. Sure the gameplay is the same but Franciade has such a thick atmosphere. Something that Paris never was able to create. It is dark and gloomy, the city is not in a good shape and this time we finally get nice huge crypts and tunnels. The boney always same-looking corridors beneath Paris are a joke in comparison. Also, Franciade isn't built with almost only right angles making it more fun to traverse over the rooftops. There is a cool new leader feature where you can kill the tougher chief of a group which makes most of the rest flee. That would have been nice in the main game. And the best of it all: Finally connection to the Isu and a mighty artefact. Don't know why they left this out of Unity. Long story short: I had much more fun with Dead Kings in that 4 - 5 hour than in the whole main game.