I grew up with a deep affection for Point & Click adventures and I caught up on some classics. The usual suspects like the 90s Lucas Arts Adventures or Simon The Sorcerer are still fantastic today. But oh boy The Legend Of Kyrandia aged poorly. The only nice thing to say is it is pretty and there are some cool animations. The story fits on beer coaster and could have been written by any 10 year old that ever read a fantasy novel. The puzzles are nonsenical most of the time or it feels like informations has be withheld. Because more than once when we (we played in a group of three) consulted a walk through the response was "How sdhould we have known that?!". The locations are pretty but what's up with maze like forests where every second screen looks the same or just mirrored. Phew. I hope the second game is much better.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2022
