Hedon Bloodrite is not inherently bad. It is just pretty forgettable and sadly drowns in the great flood of boomer shooters. I think with more polish this could have been a great game. For example, the game looks pretty flat. The textures are not bad but it repeats over and over again. When you are in a facility all walls are grey, when you are outside the whole floor is cobblestone. Nothing really pops out. The weapons don't really bang, the equivalent of a shotgun feels unsatisfying, and the hit feedback is almost non-existent. You don't see the items' names and after using an item thinking it opens a door and getting myself blown to pieces because apparently, it was a fireball spell it kept me from trying other objects. The story is a supplement and doesn't add anything. There are scrolls with pieces of information and diaries but the first three or so were super uninteresting so I skimmed over most of the upcoming scrolls, maybe missing important facts for the story but having to stop in a fast-paced shooter really took me out of the action. And that is where we finally get to the exciting part. Although the shooting itself might be not very exciting, the typical boomer shooter style of shooting is pretty good. You are constantly strafing around hordes of enemies, changing to more effective weapons for different enemy types, scanning the area for ammunition and health potions and trying not the get killed in the process. With that comes an almost Metroidvania-like feeling in some of the bigger maps. I wished that the auto-generated map would show more important points but it serves its purpose. Also, some of the levels have great designs with air vents, machinery and so on. All stuff that is like I said not bad but has been done better many times. So when you really played the top shooters then give Hedon Bloodrite a chance. I really want to give a more polished successor a chance, especially after that very unsatisfying cliff-hanger.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2022
