Amid Evil is one of the best classic shooters of recent years. There are only a few problems I have with it so let's get those out of the way first. The graphics, although wonderfully fitting and awesome, can be hard for the eyes sometimes. The wall writings have displayed a tad too big on the screen making it difficult to read in frantic moments. A few enemies are too spongey and those green enemies in Solar Solstice can jump way too far. But the rest, oh boy the rest. The weapons are different and it feels like every kind of them has its purpose. I love that they share the same ammunition in form of mana but there is never a weapon you would always use when you have high green or blue mana. There is always a situation or an enemy type that shouts out for an effective staff or sword. Then there are a lot of different episodes all with a different look and enemies. There is a episode that feels a bit like Thief and their mechanist Order of the Hammer. There is Quake kinda episode. Another episode feels like a Lovecraftian temple. The overall feel with the weapons and magic is more like Hexen. Nothing looks the same and even within the episodes there are even chances between singular levels. The gameplay is fast-paced and action-packed as it should be. You will be strafing around and aiming at those variant foes like in the good old days. This is next to Dusk and Hellbound a great boomer shooter.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2022
