I feel like I am 10 again with that Build-Engine glory. Although the graphics are all blocky and low textured the approach of realistic level design with offices, subway stations and laboratories is what makes this game stand out. For my taste, the second difficulty setting is almost a tad too much with enemies behind corners taking every hit as soon as there is a line of sight. I love that there is not enough ammunition so that I constantly need to switch weapons. So there is no obvious choice of weapon you'll always use. Sadly the weapons really didn't do it for me. There is your pistole, shotgun, submachine guns, minigun and so on. 2 or 3 pretty spongey enemies are best beaten with the minigun or grenade launcher but most of the time for regular enemies I found myself using the pistoles and its "stand-off"-mode. And just because the shotgun is so unsatisfying. For most enemies, you need at least 2-3 hits to kill and the firing rate plus reloading time is terrible. Along with the godlike aim and speed of the enemies, you will get hit almost every time if you don't know where they are placed. So F6 got my best friend. Although I praised the level design it lacks variety. Most of the time it is grey. But once again for those boomer shooters, the gameplay stands out. Fast-paced, action-packed, great boss fights and a sh*tton of secrets. Sounds like I didn't like it, right? Wrong because it really feels like a 90s Build-Engine shooter with great enhancements of modern technology but also flaws it brought from the golden era of shooters. So in the end, the good points outweigh the bad ones.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2022
