Assassin's Creed Unity a.k.a. the black sheep of the franchise. No other entry in this franchise feels so irrelevant as this one. Besides still being a technical mess with glitches, mission bugs, and sticking to walls when you just wanted to run straight on, Unity is boring. Paris is boring with 80% looking the same, making almost all side missions play out the same. And then there are those Nostradamus riddles. Sure if you have time to read through a lot of in-game info for locations you might have some fun if that is your thing. But be honest. Most of us will use online guides. Same with the murder mysteries. They are pretty cool, I'll give it that. What is that doing in an Assassin's Creed game. This is not a Sherlock Holmes game. And then you have to wait like 10 seconds for the new clue to disappear so you can finally read the next one. It is pretty tedious. The map is clustered with collectables you don't need and I started to skip at some point. Heck, even the story itself is boring. The whole mission as the player is "Find out where X died." So you go and chase person to person until a very unsatisfying resolution. There is also nothing about the grand scheme with the Isu, any pieces of Eden or temples. Even Black Flag, which is in my eyes one of the best AC games, had more to do with Assassin's Creed and the Isu than this one. They even managed to make all characters uninteresting. Elise as a character is shallow and all other characters have too less screen time as you would remember much. And that is exactly how this game is. shallow and forgettable.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2022
