The first ever Modern Warfare clone and predates it for like three years. Pretty wild.

In fact, most situations from this game got redone in Call of Dutys and other shooters that came after COD4: sniper level with """stealth"""" on the snow, the mission in Syria is basically the touristic destination in every COD/Battlefield/You name it (generic Middle Eastern country at war), and Eastern-European (the bad guys) terrorists invade one (1) Central-European (the good guys) country. You even go to a harbour full of soldiers in Chechenya at night, exactly the same as in Black (game released two years later). Either this is the most influential game for shaping the 7th Generation or the guys who made it predicted the literal standard for shooters in the forthcoming years.

I'd say I liked it mostly because it is technically functional, as I didn't have to download any unofficial patch for other than having the game localized in my language, and because, as the COD kid I was, it was entertaining to say the least. Anyhow, it has nothing to makes itself stand out - despite mentioning Black, Shadow Ops: Red Mercury WISHES it had such great combat mechanics -, the main atractive being the silliness of the cutscenes, whose editing look straight out of a music video from 2004. The plot is non-existent and ridiculous.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024


2 months ago

I'm surprised by the low rating Paq - you hype it up initially as a forebearer to popular shooters, only to proclaim it not worth one's effort? Were the combat mechanics and story that much of a deterrent?

2 months ago

@RedBackLoggd Think i'm going to give it a half-star more, it wasn't really that bad. It's not atrocious, but it does become a lot boring towards the end. It throws you constantly, almost endless, enemy waves (specially in the second-to-last level) and the level design is really, really bland and uninspired. The combat mechanics are fine, but don't make up for how simple the rest of the game is. The story is all over the place, it starts in media res with you landing on Syria to then flashback 72 hours, and when you reach the moment where that was supposed to happen, instead of landing, your chopper gets shot down and you walk through an entirely different route. It's a mess honestly. I wrote the review mostly to point out those similarities.

2 months ago

Oh yeah, and the game has no checkpoint system + enemies have too much accuracy + health packs are scarce. Thankfully the levels themselves are short, of around 10 minutes, but some are longer and others have really bad enemy placement.

2 months ago

Well daaaang man, if you had included those in the OG write-up I wouldn't have even questioned your rating haha. Those definitely sound like annoyances that bring down the project as a whole.