This is a very silly and cute game. Not much else really, it uses the overall cuteness to hide the fact that it doesn't have any Sauce, and the best parts of each movie is translated into something less interesting and frankly quite boring. I like Indiana Jones, and that alone made me slog through the endless waves of enemies and the barebones exploration that doesn't even add much tbh. Like yeah, replaying levels in freeplay might be fun if I can go around blowing up people with bazookas with a buddy in co-op, but the reward for hunting down every single collectible does not seem to be that worth it when it's just a Star Wars reference or a gameplay modifier.

I didn't play this for Indiana Jones nostalgia, as I never saw the movies growing up, but rather LEGO nostalgia, as I spent most of my pre-high school days making up my own stories with all the figures I created from spare parts and the ones I did not modify because they were Batman or something like that, and I also like Indiana Jones more than Star Wars anyways.

The thing is that the best version of this game is the one that I made up one time while playing with random LEGO figures I had, which is kind of sad because of the fact that I cannot relieve those adventures with more detail and interactivity in a computer game that had more budget than the budget my parents had to buy me the few toys I played with, but at the same time how do you make a LEGO game made for small children that isn't mindless button mashing and pretty basic jumping and movement mechanics along with puzzles that pose no actual challenge.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2024


21 days ago

I remember liking this game, and do think the splitscreen separation was innovative, but yeah it's probably not aged the best as far as not being bland.

That said, I did find it hilarious how it added boss fights to the movies. I played this before watching the movies and remember being disappointed that giant burning man wasn't in Temple of Doom xD

21 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I think you might be confusing it with LEGO Indiana Jones 2, there was no giant burning man in this one, but it was in the sequel, which is apparently worse. It still has a bunch of boss fights that weren't in the movies, or have a lot aspects changed to fit the cute and friendly style of the game, although they are less insane and out of place than the giant burning man. Not technically a boss fight, but you have to punch a few times the old knight at the end of The Last Crusade for some reason.

21 days ago

Ah yeah you're right, that one had KOTCS, my bad.

You really think the sequel took a downgrade from this one?

And LOL, that's funny af. I do remember the Mola Ram boss fight being annoying, so at least that one sounds tame by comparison.

21 days ago

@RedBackLoggd The main takeaway I get after looking into it some time ago is that the sequel is inferior to the first one, but until I play it, I'll never know for sure. I've just read a lot of complaints for that one.

21 days ago

Yeah, that's fair, our memory isn't the best source of reliance haha.